June 2021 Events
Every Wednesday - One Wine, One Dish with Julia Coney; Each week Julia highlights a new food and wine pairing, discussing a single wine and how it can enhance a specific dish. Check out what she's got coming up!
Friday, June 4, 2021 - Rose All Day!; With rosé season in full swing, it's time we talked a little bit more about pink wine and took a closer look at some of the wines we've gotten in over the past many weeks. We'll also review the Rosé Preparation Pack and give it a bit of a refresh.
Friday, June 11, 2021 - Chillable Reds; Julia is showcasing some of her favorite chillable reds. These are red wines that can be served with a proper chill, like a white wine or rosé. Fruity, fresh, and crunchy, they bring an extra dimension to the summer table.
Friday, June 18, 2021 - Reintroducing the Under-15 Section; A lot has changed in the last year and a half inside the shop, including the Under-15 section, so we thought we should take the opportunity of reopening to showcase a few of our favorites.
Friday, June 25, 2021 - Wines of South Africa; A unique blend of New World terroir and Old World traditions, South African wines keep getting better, and it's been a while since we showed them some love, especially since so many of them are suitable for summer enjoyment.
Every Tuesday - New Arrivals; Join The Beer Geeks every week to learn more about their favorite new arrivals.
Thursday, June 3, 2021 - Dubiously Dangerous Doubles Don't Disappoint; Hopheads rejoice! Eric and Mark will be taking a walk through the store's variety of double IPAs. They will discuss hop profiles, brewing practice, neat can art, the IPA push, and the variety of styles associated with the label "DIPA".
Thursday, June 10, 2021 - Joyhound Beer Company; Joyhound is a black-owned, family-run brewery based in Baltimore and dedicated to making zesty and delicious beer.
*Thursday, June 17, 2021 - Centenarian Beers; There are some breweries that have been doing it right for longer than most people have been alive. The Beer Geeks tip their hats to these grandes dames of the beer world.
*Thursday, June 24, 2021 - Pride Month Beers; The Beer Geeks run through their preferred Pride-themed beers and showcase the breweries that make them.
*N.B. Centenarian Beers and Pride Month Beers have switched weeks.