We really love what we do. I mean, really love it. There are just so very many delightful things in the world of wine and spirits, and only so many places on the shelves to put them. It is a constant struggle against running the risk of either looking like every other bottle shop in the city, or simply becoming a wine library. Neither of which help us be our best Wardman Wines.
We know and greatly appreciate that you have come to trust our opinions and guidance with your beverage choices. And we look forward to bringing in new and interesting bottles that will grace your dinner tables. But to do that, we need to make some space. Take advantage of deep discounts on last bottles, end-of-vintages, and bottles that just need loving homes!
625 Monroe Street NE, Suite A7
Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 202-780-9236
Regular Hours:
Mon-Sat: 12pm-8pm
Sun: 12pm-6pm
Holiday Hours:
Nov. 28: CLOSED
Nov. 29: 12pm-6pm
Dec. 24: 12pm-6pm
Dec. 25 & 26: CLOSED
Dec. 31: 12pm-6pm
Jan. 1: CLOSED