The world of cocktails is as wide and disparate as the number of bars and bartenders willing to play with ingredients. While many of us are familiar with the canon of classics, there is also a long history of paying homage to personages and events over ice and with a garnish. This month we will be exploring history for cocktail inspiration, both to uncover delicious cocktails, but also to learn the story behind the liquid and the people who inspired it. Join us at 2PM on IG Live this month to see what stories and flavor combinations we've uncovered!
Up first this month is a simple and delightful cocktail with a macabre name and story. Our focus was inspired by The Longest Johns version of a sea shanty in honor of the exceptional career, and abnormal embalming, of Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson. Thus this week's cocktail is the easy and delightful Nelson's Blood:
625 Monroe Street NE, Suite A7
Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 202-780-9236
Regular Hours:
Mon-Sat: 12pm-8pm
Sun: 12pm-6pm
Holiday Hours:
Nov. 28: CLOSED
Nov. 29: 12pm-6pm
Dec. 24: 12pm-6pm
Dec. 25 & 26: CLOSED
Dec. 31: 12pm-6pm
Jan. 1: CLOSED