In a world where the beer industry is dominated by monstrously thick hazy IPAs, bombastic smoothie sours, and ludicrous pastry stouts, it is very easy to forget the staples of every day drinking. Every brewery has a flagship lineup that is available year round and is filled with easy drinking and approachable libations. Join the beer geeks Thursday October 14 and check out some of the ones we have available in the shop!
625 Monroe Street NE, Suite A7
Washington, DC 20017
Phone: 202-780-9236
Regular Hours:
Mon-Sat: 12pm-8pm
Sun: 12pm-6pm
Holiday Hours:
Nov. 28: CLOSED
Nov. 29: 12pm-6pm
Dec. 24: 12pm-6pm
Dec. 25 & 26: CLOSED
Dec. 31: 12pm-6pm
Jan. 1: CLOSED