2023 Holiday Six-Pack

It's holiday time, and it's time to celebrate the end of another strange, eventful year. Whether you're celebrating the season or just the fact that this year. is. finally. over., it's a good time for a party, and to help you out, we've put together our final six-pack of 2023! We've upped the game a bit for this one, looking for slightly nicer than normal bottles to grace the holiday dinner table, to take to a festive gathering, or to brighten up a New Year's Eve.

A glorious, unicorn Cava starts us off, the only one made in Ribeira del Duero; fresh and complex, it punches way above its price point. A Sicilian white, made from the indigenous Insolia grape, is crisp and delicately floral, a perfect pairing for holiday fish and shellfish. On the richer end of white wine, a Grenache Blanc blend from Languedoc provides enough texture and weight to stand next to roast chicken. A Tuscan red blend is bold and fruity, with just enough tannin and acidity to match a holiday cheese board, while a plummy, ripe Bordeaux pairs nicely with a wide range of holiday favorites. And to round it out, an earthy Syrah-based blend from Provence is classically structured and funky enough to hold its own with more gamy, umami-laden dishes.

We'll be pouring all six of these wines at the tasting bar this Friday, November 17 so stop in to taste and to learn more about what makes these wines special!

Like all our seasonal six-packs, the Holiday Six-Pack is 15% off retail pricing, and the individual wines are all 10% off.